About NTR Swamy

The interest towards education, drove him to corporate job, and he joined Teach for India to work with children. There, He worked for 2 years, teaching Science and English to 8th and 9th-grade students at a government school in Chennai. Finding his passion in guiding children in their future goals and aspirations, He became a full-time career counsellor, steering students to suitable careers that bring about their utmost potential.

According to Neerubavi, the rate at which the landscape of education and careers is changing is unprecedented in history. Educational institutions are multiplying quickly. Additionally, these institutions introduce numerous new course curricula and topics. As a result, traditional career options like engineering and medicine are becoming less common, and with the introduction of such diverse course curricula, many career options are now available to students.

Although students have a wide range of career options at their disposal, access to accurate information is limited. As a result, they choose careers that are not suitable for them which might affect them emotionally or psychologically in the future. Through career counseling, Neerubavi wants to provide relevant information about the various courses available, make the students aware of their interests and skills, and finally direct them to the careers that are best fit for them.

Neerubavi has a long history of working with kids. He has always been troubled by seeing a student's potential or career wasted and seeing children receive less than they deserve. This inspired him to mentor students as career counsellor, using his knowledge and experience to help students find their ideal careers based on their interests and personalities. He also continues to advance his knowledge and skills to help his students more effectively as a career counsellor.

He has been a successful mentor to students competing in the Science Talent Festival at the Chennai Corporation level,. Three students were chosen to go on an educational tour in Singapore, and one student had the opportunity to visit the Space Center Houston in the United States. Currently, He collaborates closely with kids, educators, NGOs, corporate foundations, HNIs, and school administrators to develop and carry out sustainable education projects.

All the above services are offered at free of cost for Government schools/children studying in government schools