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About DialogueLed

At DialogueLed, we focus on students' aims and aspirations and guide them toward their best-fit careers that would be satisfying and fulfilling. We help in creating a roadmap for the student's career journey and guide them in every step of it.

Our excellent team of counsellors at DialogueLed comes from a variety of professions and industries with rich academic backgrounds and decades of professional experience. With our expertise and knowledge of varied fields, we help your child to make well-informed decisions that are best fit for them regarding their career.

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Need For Career Counselling

By making a wise decision now, one will reap benefits later. Therefore in a student's life, choosing a career has a significant impact. During their adolescent years, students are immersed in a dynamic environment that makes it simpler for messages from peers to have an impact. They also run into the issue of the abundance of information about various career options that are available online. That is when career counseling comes into the picture. Through counselling they can get clarity about various career fields, what career to pursue according to their interests, and how to pursue them.

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About NTR Swamy

B.E. (Mechanical Engineering)

Alumni, Teach For India

Global Career Certification from UCLA and Univariety.Diploma in Education Psychology

Diploma in Education Psychology, Alison

Certificate in Remedial Instruction for Primary School Children with Specific Learning Disability, Madras Dyslexia Association

Neeubavi's transition from being a mechanical engineer to a career counsellor has been nothing short of exceptional. . He worked for four years at L&T Construction in the Engineering Design and Research Center (EDRC) with a focus on the process design of solar thermal power plants and the structural design of the solar tracker.

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